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Monday, August 22, 2011



Irritable Bowel Syndrome & the Gall Bladder. What does the gallbladder do? The gallbladder does exactly what its name describes; it is a small bladder that stores gall. Gall is more commonly known as bile. Bile is produced by the liver ...

The Chinese bastards that do that to these bears should be restrained and then have their stomach and gall bladder punctured and then be left outside in the elements, hooked to an IV that administers just enough glucose and fluids to ...

I found myself in hospital three weeks ago for emergency surgery to remove my gall bladder. I'd been suffering intermittently – but with increasing frequency – with crippling stomach pain over the previous 8 months and it came to a head ...

  Gall_Bladder in WIKIPEDIA. See news on
  Gall_Bladder IMAGES. See images related to topic from google images

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